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" .5.

Contraband was hendled in cooperation with travel control ind security

personnel of other organizations.

Due to instructions issued prior to departure of

personnel from the ZI, the occasicns on which contraband was found were very fer.
ltems were normally found during the routine baggage search tram arstvfal at Iniwetok,

‘and transritted by the brovost Larshal's office via convenient channels, to the unit
to which the omer was assigned.

In the case of TG 7.1, itams were handled either

by J-l or by the Project Officer under whese supervision the orner was employed.


basic course of action was, first, determination whether the item in question vas,
official property or personal property.

‘then: a. if official property, an appropriate

letter of authorization was obtained, and the item, with letter, retuzned to the man
from whom it was tuken; b. if personal, contraband: restrictions were explained to the

ower, and the item was inmediitely mailed to an address outside the PPG by the owner,
under surveillance.

[Exposed film was developed by TG 7.5 and reviewed by the JIF

Classification Officer, then returned or retained, as appropriate. | Kost of the
contraband items were hunting knives confiscated in error.

these were returned to

omners with a minisum of ceremony. Informal consultations between the people actually
handling contraband resulted in good coordination and proper disposition of 01t®12082)

Registration of photographic facilities was accomplished in a report(8?)

listing users of photo materials and indicating their respective processing arrangéements in the forward area.

This list was subsequently completed by a letter (*)

listing a total of 26 such activities.

CTU-8 and CIU-9, on behalf of CTG 7.1, co-

operated closely with AC/s 8-2 of 1G 7.5 to.cerry out requirenents for control of

photographic activities and materials.



JF=-3932, Confiscated Contraband, 17 Feb 54, CONF


JF-3935, Confiscated Contraband, 17 Feb 54, CONF


JF~-3877, Photographic Frocessing roint-Control, 15 Feb 5h, CONF


om ane

Reatanvannt a Iwenreceing Point Canteen

A Van Bi


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