
to’ the responsibilities of TJ-4.

A very detailed plan of events to precede the

EnavO detonation was drafted 11 February and cospleted on 20 rebruary as an annex
to the basic Operation Plan.

It contained a chronological evacuation‘ist, helicopter,

- boat, heavy equipment, trailer, and vehicle movenents.(16) A BRAVO re-entry and -

recovery plan(17) in greatest detail possible at the time, was drastically revised in.
the light of subsequent events, when it was found that re-entry was practical only
for recovery missions, and at about B plus 11 to resume use of the ininnan airstrip.
A BRAVO check list, furnishing general guidance, listed 23 items scheduled between

C900 on B-4, thrga

0600 on B plus 5 at Eninetok atora\?8) A general plan for TU-6
ng one section describing the entire test program, and a second

sectdon pertaining in greater detail to individual events, Finel details were to be
estermined liter,

This was supplenented after BRAVO by a new schedule!) sor rensin-

_ ing events, which was later discarded because of weather factors. Another paper
described key operational events for the first half of #February(=) in final preparation


Consideration of »RAVO results and

effects brought about the decision24) (23) te schedule the remaining events, i:OLED,
KOON, UNION, NECTAR, YANKES and ECHO, in that order,



JF-3105, BRAVO Evacuation, Appendix 1 to Annex N, CTG 7.1 Operation Flan No.

1-53, 2 Feb 54, OONP, including JF-3108 (changes to same) 25 Feb 54, CONF.

JF=3106 BRAVO Re-entry and Recovery, AppII to Annex N, CTG 7.1 Uperation: Plan

No. 1-53, 22 Feb Shy CONF, including JF=3110 (changes to same) 25 Feb 54, CONF.


JF-4217,' BRAVO Check list, inivetok Atoll, 22 Feb 5h, CONF.


JF=-3711, TU-6 CASTLE Operationa risa, 9 Feb 54, SECKET RD


JF733, Changes in TU-6 Operation Plan, 6 Mar 54, SECRET RD


JF-3390, key Operatioral ivents, Feriod 1 reb-15 Feb 54, dtd 2 Feb 54, SECKET kD


JF-,677, Change No. 3 to Operation Flan No. 1-53, 4 Lar 54. SECRET RD


TAX SCILNCE 3084, to Lradbury fron Graves, March 2520558, SECRET RD

Select target paragraph3