CO ©
‘4. ‘Travel betwean ships and between ships and snore lcecztions at bikini was
time-consuming, uncomfortable, and not convenient for moving any luggege, equipment,

or material other than srall itens that vould be eesily curried in one hand,


‘or smaller craft were used, tith no protection from rain and spray, and a hazardous
transfer was required between boat and gengvay or ladder at each end of a trip.


helicopter platform on LSTiS wes found to be an extremely valuable fezture, am should
receive serious consideratior. with regard to other ships: involved in programs of this




In preparation for BRAVO, several documents were produced as supplements

to Operations Plan 1-53.

‘hey were designed for flexibility and were changed as

necessary to meet altered circumstances.

‘Ihose prepured prior to bravO were completed

with fewer changes than were those for subsequent events.

All were "vorking" papers,

the results of many informal discussions and consultations, and vere re-issued or
amended if changes of any cor.sequence bec


‘Tne principal papers are

briefly described in ths following t

Trelve "Operation

Lotterst(2-13) contained details of impending

operations such as movenants of spetial devices, practices, and operations.

JF-2932, Hq TG 7.1 Cperational Letter Ko.

(3) JF=3110



- 1

(4) JF=365h




(5) JF=3856


" (6) JF-3888


1, 18 Jan 54, CONF.

Now 2, 25 Jan 54, OOM.

No. 3, 10 Feb 54, CONF. KD


No. 4, 16 Feb-5h, CONF.



— fo. 5, 16 Feb 54, CONF.

(7) JF=3978


(8) uPusm



(9) JF-5114


(10) JF-5478


No. 6, 18 Feb 54, COM.



No. 8, 10 Kar 54, COIF.




No. 9, 30 Kar 54, CCHF.

(11) JF-6310



" No. 10, 1 Apr 54, GIF.

(12) JF-£929



"No, 22, 2 Apr 54, CONF.

(13) JF-6590



" No. 7, 3 Mar 5h, CONF.


No. 12, 4 apr 5k, COM.


Select target paragraph3