The change in schedule, the incbility to predict yields closely, and the
impossibility of determining test dates in edvance, all created difficulties for the

vOv experinenters attexzpting te obtcin data on the effects of the detonations.


projects hud to be set in motion several days ahead of shot day to be successful, and
when the shot was deleyed, equipment had to be checked out égein, personnel “eployed,
etc., sometines on very short notice.

The unpredictable yields made it difficuit fo

set recording equipment in the proper range, which caused loss of muck information.

Une set of cxperiments (Project 13.4 and 13.5) suffered loss of nearly all data
on BRAVO, although the recording equipzent apparently functioned satisfactorally.

The .

loss was due to failure of the reinforced concrete station which had not been designed .

for as high a yieldMMMM Tis failure permitted eir-borne contam:
inated particles to enter the structure and fog the photographic film data records.

the heavy contimination of the YROCHI-nOMURIXKU-AOYOEN chain of islands by fali-

out from BRAVO caused trouble for the groups which had to continue working’ there.



work of read;ing recording stations on this chain of islands was delayed end made
troublesome by the contamination, and personnel from Progrems 13 and 15 were forced

to live in makeshift quarters on LOU craft off-shore.

Although the high yieldIcontacination of land areas at Bikini
posed nanerous problems, a few of which have been mentioned here by wey of iMustration,
in general the mejor experizents planned for tests two and three were performed and
satisfactery results obtained.


Select target paragraph3