



A. ‘the period 1 Januacy 1954 to 10 April 1954 in CASTLE sew the culcination
of the preparatory planning phose, the errival of cost of the 1G 7.1 personnel and
most of its essential equip.zent in the forward area, and detonation (of the first

three test devices.

During January the population stetistics reflected a great

increase és key personnel activated their staffs and offices in the forward arez.
1G 7.1 headcuarters was established & FARRY lsland, Enivetok, where the major portion
of all administrative test uctivities were performed, with a branch camp on ROJOA.
sincefive of the projected seven detonations were scheduled to occur at bikini, brench.

cazps were established thers as planned, with a bese camp on ENDDAN » and minor carps

All carps were used jointly by scimtific, technical,

adoinistrative, ani construction personnel, regardless of parent organization.


B. The energy yield

Ges 2 225t cinute unfavorable vind-shift, resulted in
heavy ccatamination of the UNINUAN Island chain and ENYU where camps were located,
as well as the HCLURIKKU arsa where many experimental stations were set up.
task Group 7.1 had anticipated the possibility that any of the tests at Bikini

might render the land camps uninhabitable, and had requested that adequate ship
querters andfacilities, including a transport vessel for quartering personnel, be
previded for this contingency.

nevertheless, the shift froma land-based to a ship-

“board operation multiplied the technical, operational and personnel problens.
sornel not accustomed to living aboard s


P found long tours aboard sufficiently

unpleasant that morale was adversely aifected.

A practice of rotating individuals

between PARRY lslend duty and the ships ameliorated this condition sonerhat.

Operational problems wore seriously aggravated by the change to ship bases.
Communications were poorer, transportaticn sloter and much more hazardous, especially
the transfer from sm£l1]1 boats to ships ledders in the rough water of ‘the lagom.

- Perssnnsl living on the ATNSUG.WiH or the CUNTIOS vhno wished to use helicepter transportation were requires to make a tlre-censuminn ind wet toct trip to the 3/;Inci0 to

Select target paragraph3