A revised budgetary estimate of operational fimds for the


third and fourth quarters of fiscal year 1953, which was the first

six months of CASTILE, was submitted in Jamuary 19536 ‘Onthe basis
of this revised budgetary estimate funds were received from Task

Force for TO 761 operational expenses for the period January ‘

June 1953.

3. During Jaly 1953 the fiscal year 195 budget was prepared


and submitted to Task Force.

As well as operational funds for

Headquarters TG 7.1 and Headquarters TU-13, this budget included

overseas travel. per dien funds for TU-9 and all military and.

governnent civilian personnel in the DOD program, and also various
stun lg

general support ites within TG 7.1.

k. The Task Group fiscal officer requested udget estimated from
all DOD projects for R & Dfunds. However, it was decided that

APSWP vould retaincontrol of R & D funds for CASTLE vith TU-13,
in control of‘these funds through Field Command AFSHP, (4).

Extra militery funds allotted Te Tl for operational purposes


for_ the period1January = 30 Septenber 1953 amount to $158,900.00, lt


During‘dls ‘period, the Budget and Fiscal office has been

engaged inTiquidating obligations ‘against extra ailitery funds
allotted 30 1.2 foroperation, and Research ‘and Development funds,

atlotted oD ivr projects, in the anount of $651,358.42 have been
withdrawn as excess to the needs of these Feeay

; eer
ares we

elTyee ae

Select target paragraph3