5. The elimination from the Task Group of a J=2 Section which
represented the AEC has made it impossible for the Task‘Group to
confirm the security clearance status of its own people. This

situation has occasionally resulted in embarrassment or delay

of official visiters, etc., since direct commnications between




this headquarters “and & requestor of security information could
not be used,

For futureoperation, at is recounended that a

AEG Security Branch’exployee be attached to 10 7.1 Headquarters

to handle confirmation of clearances,


6. The errival of military personnel who have notret been grantedan AEC Q Clearancehas, been a problem,as at!was during i

IvY. Hq:oF has “subdeeded,in arrangingwithWaskington Area'! ae



Security ‘Operations’sid the‘military services‘to facilitatepee
the handling of Q Clearances |‘and overall’ experiences thus tes oe


pave shoim’ an‘tnproveaentover IVY. However, in severalinstances;

Sere Ny


| persciinel.havearrived’herewithout Q‘Cheetinces.Tha omuses
ae ce


Rebs ce "oe!

| a miltiple Froblea.in (faat‘te"aubjectceaaseune“the dutiesa,

é ge

‘- \t


for isto, he was.‘assigned
toieorem, he matPena
4idle aMe oe 2

mt eleareas’‘be cannotbe’asigned housing.(normally) at.oo "

‘Les Aimos,“ana mst beteaporerity ressiigied to a militery

N ‘


unit at Sandia Base atidgieared, then brought back when .



cleared, au tate oniéedot only unjustifiable expense ta

x 4

the government, but enbarrassing incidents when prospective ©

Q y

employing offices see the JTF send a man who is not permitted

to go to work because security requirements have not been

satisfied, This has occasioned much time-consuming and

costly commmication, usually not effective.


It is of


Select target paragraph3