on 28 Apr 53,


and 1 June 53



4, As of the end of September, Q cleared TG 7.1 personnel numbered 116,
with 16 clearances pending. In addition 58 Q clearances were pending for
personnel whose temporary assignment to the Group is planned.

The clearances

of all personnel will be terminated, insofar as this Group is concerned, upon

completion of their duty with this Group.



See J-17561, 28 April 53 to all % 7.1 personnel,from Jel Sec, Subj:
“Security violations in the Department of Defense*.

(25) See J=18162, 1 June 53, to TG Jol personnel, fron ore Tel, Sudj:
TtInterin,Security Indoctrination™*.



Select target paragraph3