IVY, and a discussion of additional support required if Bikini were used.
was supplemented (


hy a letter in April 1953 containing the initial Shot

Changes followed in May




and in August came a revision in great

This contained shot schedules, basic principles, timing and

firing, construction, evacuation, description of test devices, radsafe and

recovery operation, communications transportation, sample returns, fall-out
pattern, support items » beaching conditions, climatology, and tide tables.

Changes #1 anap”17)_ followed, altering the shot schedule. Altogether, these
documents comprise a record of the test plan, including ways and means for,
accomplishing the associated activities, and were a source of information
additional to the actual Operations Orders.

h, The weapons/devices situation during this period: ‘he types and/or
models of veapons/devices to be tested became reasonably firm as did their
respective yield predictions and the desired Qiagnostic studies tor each,


was during this period that the decision was made to extend the scope of CASTIE
to include @ seventh detonation.

The period was also characterized by various

test assemblies ineluding eryogenics check-out when applicable.

The experience

gained by these assemblies led to conclusions governing shipping dates y uumber
of personnel required, spare parts necessary, Randling
g tools, etc.

(14) Ltr J~16757, 7 Apr 53, from otaOTe to Distr, subj“General Concept
of Operation CASTLE? J-Div Files.


(15) Ltr J-18061, 19 May 53, SSI-RD

Ltr J-19161, 17 Aug 53, fram CTG 7.1 to Distr, Subj: “General Concept
of Operation CASTLE". (Revision No. 1) J-Div ‘files, SSI-RD

(17) Ltr J-19574, 24 Aug 53, and Ltr J-20173, 17 Sept 53, SSI-RD

Select target paragraph3