(NAVAIC) Project 5.€ - In-Flight Participction of an F-lOlA Aircraft Capt M, H. Lewin CRITCTIVE The objective of Project 5.6 is to determine the responses of an in-flight F-LOIA aircraft to the thermal, blast and gust effects of a nuclear detonation, A correlation of the responses, combined with known characteristics of any weapon, will be used to define the maximum safe delivery capability of the aircraft. INSTRUMENTATION The aircraft was instrumented with radiometers, calorimeters and pressure transducers to measure the thermal and blast inputs and with strain gages, thermocouples ani various other ins the aircraft response to the inputs. For the: i ” nts to measure, (Navajo) Shot, the aircraft was again positioned to receive a high caloric input, 126 cal/sq em, at a low angle of incidence, At this position the air- creft would theoretically receive a AT of 310° F on the .C20 inch skin covered honeycomb surface based on positioning yleld and on time position. At this position the aircraft would receive 60% design limit load on the stabilator, AIRCRAFT POSITION IN SPACE The aircraft was to fly at 15,000 feet absolute altitude on an inbound heading of 122° at a ground speed of 800 fps. It was planned that the aircraft would be 25,490 feet beyond ground zero at time zero with shock arriving 32.5 seconds later at a horizontal range of 51,500 feet. Actual shot position was 1,000 feet short and 1500 feet to the t copseny00k TARE RO rv (o¥