the target islani due to the existing cloud masses,

At H-~4 minutes

on the final inbound run to grouni zero, the A/C was approximately
28 seconds late ani since the time couli not be made up, the crew
elected to reposition according to a preflight plan to a new heading.
They continued on course, accelerating until the selected time of
H-1:10, at which time a turn was executed to the new healing of 241 degrees.

On rolling out of the turn, the A/C was traveling approximately

69 knots faster than the desired speed, and as a result, the horizontal range at time was estimated by the navigator to be 71,000 feet.
The horizontal range at time of shock arriv2l was 180,000 feet with the


A/S at the samc altitude as before and on the new 242 degree heading,

ere ee


- 55 ~

Select target paragraph3