
Project 5.3- In-FlighboParticd pation of a B-663 Aircraft- R. W. Bachman

The primary objective of this test was to measure the gust,

thermal ani high thermal energy field effects of a high yield megaton device on a B-66B aircraft in flight.



Instrumentation cn the B-668 for iter (NAVAJO) consisted
of the following:

67 strain gaces @ 5 statiomand 26 thermocouples @

7 stations on the L.H. wing, 16 strain gages @ 1 station and 6 thermocouples @ 2 stations on the R. H. wing, 25 strain gages @ 4 stations
and 12 thermocouples © 2 stations on the L, H. horizontal stabilizer,
9 strain gages @ 1 station and 2 thermocouples @ 1] station on the R. H.
horizontal stabilizer, 3 strain gages @ 1 station end 9 thermocouples
@ 3 stations on the L. H. elevator, 2 strain gages @ 1 station and 6
thermocouples @ 1 station on the R. H. elevator, 56 thermocouples @ 11
stations on the fuselege, 17 accelerometers on the fuselage, empenage,
and nacelle, 13 calorimeters and 1 radiometer together with 6 cameras

in the fuselage belly, 5 calorimeters and 1 radiometer together with 6
cameras in the tail, wing and tail deflection cameras, 32 basic flight
instruments on a photo recorder panel, and 8 correlation channels.

Using the K-5 Radar system, the B-66B was being positioned atan

altitude of 21,000 feet, on a heading of 124° and for a horizontal
range of 24,500 feet at time zero.

During both race track patterns

and the wind box, the navigator had difficulty in clearly defining



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