In writing this report [| am grateful for the

help of several people at Brookhaven National
Laboratory. Eugene P. Cronkite and Victor P.
Bond, who have been closely involved with the
project since its inception, have encouraged me
in writing the report and given helpful advice.
William A. Scott and Peter M. Heotis, who have
worked with me in organizing and carrying out
the examinations, have been of great assistance. I am grateful to Avril Woodhead and

Katherine Vivirito for editorial assistance,

Robert Crease, BNL Historian, for his help, and
Bernice Armstrong for secretarial assistance. In
the Photography and Graphic Arts Department
I wish to thank Douglas Humphrey and Robert
Smith for the photographs used, and Morton

Rosen, Kenneth Boehm, Alan Schmidtchen, and

Helga Pirozzi for their heip.
John Tobin, former Trust Territory anthropologist. has been helpful regarding
Marshallese customs. Roger Ray, former manager of the DOE programs in the Marshail
Islands, has helped me regarding events that
occurred since my retirement in 1979. We have
been most fortunate in obtaining excellent physicians and technicians to participate in the

program. Some worked in the islands on several
occasions (see Appendix I).

Edward Lessard, Peter Rathvon, Charies
Meinhold, and David Potter. From other institutions: J. Edward Rail, Jacob Robbins. Jan
Wolff, Baruch Blumberg, and Roger Rittmaster
at the National] Institutes of Health: Brown
Dobyns and David Reid at Cleveland
Metropolitan General Hospital; Wataru Sutow
and Ernest Libby at M.D. Anderson Hospital;
Edward Held of the University of Washington;
Shields Warren, Bentley Colcock, William
Meissner, and Marion Legg at New England .
Deaconess Hospital; Leo Meyer, Veterans
Hospital, Brooklyn, NY; Lawrence Ackerman at
SUNY-Stony Brook; P. Reed Larson at Brigham
and Women’s Hospital; William Moioney at
Boston City Hospitai; John Bugher, Charles
Dunham,Merril Eisenbud, William Streenan,
William Burr, James Liverman, and Harry
Brown at AEC; and Ruth Van Cleeve at the
The staff at the Hospital at Brookhaven provided exceilent care for the Marshallese

In the Marshall Islands, I am grateful for the

support of Amata Kabua, President, and Oscar
DeBrum,Chief Secretary of the Republic of the
Marshall Islands. The participation of the

Health ServicesoftheMarshail.Islandshas

- beepinvaluable: practitioners,BareRikion,

The fallowing resident physicians have pro- :
vided invaluable service to the programin the... Jobadaman. Arebat: Hicking,Issac Lanwi,
Marshall Islands: Knud Knudsen (1972/74,
_ Armer ishoda, Tregar [aheda,Isao Kasino,

77/78), Konrad:Keotré



Grant (1979); Roger Rittatuats x96 rm 3
James Harper (1981/83); Prati

and John Engle (1984/86).
Also essential to the success of the program
has been the staunch support of many agencies,
particulariy Brookhaven National Laboratory,

the Department of Energy, the Departmentof

Defense, the Department of Interior, the Health
Services of the Trust Territory, and the
Republic of the Marshall Islands.
I would like to name some of the many people
who contributed a great deal during the 26
years | directed the program. At Brookhaven:
Knud Knudsen, James Robertson, Stanton
Cohn, Lee Farr, Donald Van Slyke, Richard
Stoner, Harold Atkins, W. Alvord Finn, Daniel
Slatkin, Lawrence Hankes, Michael Makar,
Darrei Joel, Arjun Chanana, Jack Rothmann,
Robert Brown, Clyde Sipe, Douglas Clareus,


Masao Korean, Jeton Anjain, andMaidher

Kabua; technicianaSebeq Shonibar, Nelson

Zetkeia, Joseph Saul, Kilman Gideon, Helmer

Emos; and nurses Jenuk Kabua, Ruth Harris,
and T. Leyjen.
I am grateful to Captain Keith Coberly and
thecrew of the Liktanurfor their outstanding
services to the medical team.


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