acquisition of our own survey ships was a great
boon im carrying out our mission.
In recent years. airstrips have oeen built
on Rongelap and Utirik and a locai commercial
airline at Majuro has a limited smail-plane service to these {slands.
B. Scope of the Examinations
To detect and treat radiation effects in the
Marshallese, it was necessary to conduct longitudinal, prospective follow-up studies, probably
for the lifetime of the people. To accurately
assess possible radiation effects, it was necessary to examine anunexposed population for
comparative purposes because data on theincidence of various diseases in Micronesia were
incomplete or nonexistent, and vital statistics
were inadequate.
As a basis for planning the examinations,
there was considerable information available on
the effects of radiation in animais and also from
exposure of human beings, such as the Japanese
casualties to the atomic bombs, from people
receiving radiotherapy, and accidental radiation exposures. However, the exposureof the
Marshallese to the complex radiationsof fallout

was unique. There had been no previous serious
exposure of a human population to fallout.
Consequently, numerous examinations were
necessary to diagnose and treat possible radiation effects at an early stage. As the examinations progressed through the years, new
findings required new tests to be added to the

protocol. As a resuit, a considerable battery of

examinations and tests. have been carried out:
these are listed in the published medical


Routinely, the examinations began with a
medical history of the individual, taken by a

Marshallese practitioner, followed by a com-

plete physical examination,a detailed examination of the blood, and an x-ray examination.

Examinations focused on the detection of any

- late effects of radiation, particularly cancer.
Thyroid examinations, including hormonal
studies of the function of the glands, and growth
and developmentstudies of the children
received particular attention. Some other examinations were included to detect possible inherited effects of radiation, cataracts of the eyes,
immunocompetence(ability to resist diseases),

intestinal parasites, and dental problems.

\s BP





Medical Team being greeted on arrival at Rongelap, 1971.

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