District Centers. This training program was
expanded under subsequent administrations of
the Trust Territory and under the Republic of
the Marshall Isiands.
The Department of Heaith Services of the
Trust Territory Government was responsible for
heaith care in the Territory. In the Marshall
Islands the District Medical Centers were under
the Director of Health Services of the Trust
Territory and, more recently, as part of the government of the Republic of the Marshall
Islands. The hospitals at Majuro and Ebeye
Islands are staffed with local practitioners and
Micronesian nurses and technicians. At times, a
few American physicians were on the staff. The
local practitioner, with less formal education
than an American M.D., by necessity learned to
carry out medical responsibilities, including
major surgeries, remarkably well.
In the Outer Islands, the dispensaries are
manned by a health aide, often with limited
training, and visits of the field-trip ships carrying medical supplies and personnel were often
irregular because of poor communication with
the District Centers.
The health services have faced many problems in rendering health care in these islands.

_ There have been serious epidemics of diseases,
such as poliomyeiitis, influenza, chicken pox,

and pertussis, which'were brought intothe

islands.’ These epideinies wereparticularly

severe with high mortality before there were
effective immunizationprograma. There were

epidemic and receives referrals from other
areas. As part of the new College of Micronesia
at Majuro, a School of Nursing has been established with a training program for health assis-

tants to serve in the Outer Islands.

difficult for Marshallese students to get into
U.S. medical schools. Recently, a school was

established at Pohnpei in the Caroline Islands

for medical trainingof Micronesians, and
efforts are being made to attract more young
Marshallese into the field of medicine.
Increased emphasis is being given to
improvement of health care in the outlying
atolls (B-8). Medical teams regularly visit these
islands on the Canvaséback, a sailing vessel. In
addition, a sailing vessel, the Tole Mour, furnished and outfitted with medicalfacilities by
the Marimed Foundation, with a staff of volunteer medical personnel, also regularly visits the

outer Marshall Islands. The operation of these
ships is supported by the Marshall Island

Government.In addition to general medical

care, the visiting teams carry out dental treat-

ment, inoculations, treatment of venereal dis-

eases, and conduct educational programs on
sanitation, family planning, and training of
- midwives. Radio communication has improved
_, andair strips Ravdbeen constructed on some

islands, including Rengelap and Utirik, allow-

-,, ing for emergency visits of medical personnel

insufficient medical personneltohandle health. , and evacuation of patientsa . --

care, including widespread diabetes and dental.
problems. One of the most serious problems has
been population growth in these islands with

limited habitable land.

There has been continued improvementin
health care in the Marshall Islands (B-8, 14-17).
A new $8,000,000 multi-wing hospital, planned
as a referral center for Micronesia, was opened
at Majuro in 1986. The hospital has been oper-

ated by Mercy International Health Services (a

U.S. organization) under contract with the
Marshallese government. The U.S. staffis being
replaced with Marshallese medical personnel
(B-14). The hospital has a rehabilitation center,
which was begun in the 1960s following a polio
"In 1963, poliomyelitis was introduced into the Islands by an
infected saior from a visiting ship. A widespread epidemic
occurred, with neariy two hundred cases of paraiys.s.



There remainsa vital shortage of trained
medical personnel, particulariy doctors.
Insufficient premedical education has madeit

Considering theisolationof these:islands,
travel problems, and shortage of trained medical personnel, in my opinion there has been
. good progress in health care. However, there is
still considerable need for improvement.

Select target paragraph3