Chapter I — Background

ern part of Micronesia, roughly half way ~“

century, Protestant and Catholic missionaries
were allowed to settle in the Islands, which
opened the door to colonization and to exploitation of the copra industry. Germany occupied
the Marshall Islands in 1885 but this did not
cause nearly as much disruption in the life of
the Marshallese as occurred when the Japanese

a large ocean area (about 280,000 sq. miles)
that includes also the Marianas and the

to the League of Nations. Clandestinely, the

To appreciate more fully some of the events
that occurred during the medicai examinations
of the Marshallese people, I first briefly
describe the Marshall Islands, their history,
and people.
The Marshall Islands are located m the east-

between the Hawaiian Islands and Australia, in
Caroline Islands. The total land area is about

half that of Rhode Island. There are thirty-four
coral atolls and single islands in twochains,
Ratak (sunrise) and Ralik (sunset) lying
between four and fourteen degrees north of the
Equator. An atoll is a ring of low-lymg coral
islands surrounding a lagoon. The islands have
formed on the submerged rimsof extinct volcanic craters. The waters aboundin fish and
marine life. The sandysoil of the isiands supports growth of the ubiquitous coconut palms
and other plants including pandanua,breadfruit, arrowroot, and, to a lesser extent,

bananas and papaya. With the fish and marine
life, these plants provide sourcesoffod,

took the Islands in 1914. Following Worid War

I, the Japanese held the Islands under mandate

Japanese began fortifying the islands, and
building landing strips to develop military
supremacyin the Pacific. The life of the
Marshallese was regimented to help achieve
these purposes.
World WarII brought hardship and misery to
the Marshallese, some of whom were wounded
and killed in naval bombardments, particularly
during the invasion of Kwajalein and
Enewetak; some were executed by the Japanese
military. Many Marshallese made heroic efforts

to aid the American forces.
Following the War, in 1947, the Marianas,

Caroline, and Marshall Isiands captured from
Japan were formed into a Trust Territory of

for how
oe and matsyand.more - .-the palmgfor export. The
sagt ath
scarcity of waterAnt thesalt spray

errine by the trade
epee of

Winds limits the

ther vegetables and flowers.


Jaeno hern Marshall Islands, rainfall is

fizringthe six-month dry season, and’:

because there are few wells, the Marshailese

depend almost entirely on catchments from the


In the 16th century, exploration ofthe Pacific
was beginning and in the 18th and 19th centuries ships from Russia, England, and America
landed in the Marshall Islands. The Marshall
and Gilbert Islands were named aftey English

sea captains. During this period,tradingships
visited the Marshall Islands in search of products that might be of commercial value (peari
shells, sea cucumbers, sandalwood, and sea
otter skins (B-1); copra (the dried meat of the

coconut) soon becamethe mostprofitable local

product. There were severai bloody encounters
between ship’s crews and the Marshailese
which made colonization hazardous at this
time. However, around the middle of the 19th

IGOR 152

he its hesdquartecswere
—Weerea at |

Honolulu, then at Guam, and later at Saipan.
Administration in the six districts was located
in the district centers. In the Marshall Islands,

the center was at Majuro atoll. A Congress of
Micronesia was formed with representation

from the various districts to work with the High
Commissioner and his staff.
After the war, the United States began further testing of atomic bombs. In 1946, Bikini atell was chosenfor the first atomic test
because ofits relative isolation from inhabited
areas. The following year, the need for deveiopmental testing resulted in the formation of the
Pacific Proving Ground, with Enewetak aa the

base of operation (B-3). The Bikini people were

persuadedto leave their atoll “for the good of
mankind”. The subsequent attemptto resettle
this population, whofinally ended up on tiny

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