External radiation levels on Eneu were among the lowest found in the atoll
ranging from 0.002 mR/hr to 0.01 mR/hr (see Table 1). This is lower than the

U.S. average.

The third largest island, Nam, contains large open areas covered with
fimbrisytkis and ipomea vines. A full set of ionization chamber, spectrometer,
and portable instrument measurements were made on Nam. The monitoring paths
passed around che island and across it in several places.

total exposure rate.

Radiation levels varied widely and Nam contained a considerable quantity
of radioactive acrap metal. The radionuclide identified with fhe
coe ty scrap

and the major contributor to the external radiation field was

Endrik is the Largest island on the southern rim of the reef and the
fourth Largest in the atoll.
It is about one kilometer west of Eneman.
&xcept for the eastern tip, Endrik is heavily vegetated with dense undergrowth
in the interfor. There were stands of cardia and pisonia trees and several
pandanas trees. Several transects from lagoon to ocean shores were surveyed
in the eastern part of the island but survey of the wider western portion
was less sytematic due to heavy vegetation,

7cs was

another lesser contributor and !25sb was found in small amounts. *h SUTmATY

of results for Nam is given in Table |,
Bilantuak, Tomelen, Rojkere, Eonjebi

These very small islands located between Bikini and Eneu were monitored
with G-M counters only. The observed levels were quite low and uniform (see
Table 1).

G-M counter readings on the eastern part of the island generally ranged

from 0,003 to 0,010 mB/hr with one area near the eastern end reading 0.030

Some radioactive scrap metal was found on the eastern end.
The western
part showed variations in levels similar to Bikini - low levels near the shore
and higher levels inland. A transect near the center showed values ranging
frdm 0,003 mR/hr near the shore up to 0.019 m&/hr in the interior. Another

This three kilometer long complex of five narrow islands interconnected by
man-made causeways lies along the southern rim of the atoll,
From east to west
these are Aerokoj, Aerokojlol, Bikdrin, Lele, and Eneman. An aircraft runway
was constructed on Aerokoj and Aerokojlol which are almost indistinguishable
as Separate islands. These islands have acattered vegetation and the grass
covered ground was used by a considerable number of nesting birds. Survey
measurements with the scintillation counter and G-M counter were made along a
route down the center of these islands with spet measurements nearer the ocean
and lagoon shores.
Readings were quite low and uniform with a range for the
G-M counter of 0.003 to 0.01 mR/hr and for the scintillation counter of 0.001

to 0.003 mR/hr.

The western tip of Aerokojlol is connected to the next island

Bikdrin by a long causeway.
Bikdrin plus the next island, Lele, are wide places
in the causeway.
Except for some pieces of scrap metal on the causeway showing

higher radiation levels, the measured values were low and uniform along the
causeways and islands. The scintillation counter showed 0.006 to 0.008 m&/hr
and the G-M counter about 0.010 mR/hr.

eeane cennt neege ee

Aerokoj-Eneman Complex

transect west of center showed 0.009 mR/hr near shore to 0.235 mR/hr in the
interior. Slack algse-covered depressions near the western end gave G-M
counter reading ranging from 0.EL to 0.22
hr. Analysis of soil samples
from the western end indicated that

Qn Lukoj, a range of values on one transect showed 0.061 mR/hr to 0.104
by scintillation counter and 0.063 to 0.130 mR/hr by G-M counter. On the next
transect near wmid-ieland the ranges were 0.100 to 0.171 mR/hr and 0.083 to
rest primarily to 137¢s.

along the igland, Levels increased to 0.020 to 0.060 mR/hr.

The eastern end

Toward the west

The algae covered

They are small with shore areas

covered with ipomea vines and have densely vegetated interiors, Monitoring
coverage wae obtained by cutting two transects on Lukoj and by circling Jelete
and pushing inland about 30 meters at every 90 meters of circular path.

algae and almost no vegetation.

Wide variation in radiation levels were found on ZEneman.

5$b contributed about

These two islands in the southwest part of the atoll are about one kilo-

meter apart and are similar in appearance.

0.197 aR/hr.

was similar to the other four islands, 0.001 to 0.01 mR/hr.

h, and


Eneman is the Largest and western-most island in the string. The eastern
and central portions contain thick vegetation.
This bacomes less dense toward

the west until at the western tip there are low depressions covered by black


85 percent of the total exposure rate with 137¢8° contributing about 12 percent.

A sodl sample taken near island center indicated that 60 percent

of the exposure rate was due to 62¢0, 30 percent to 125sb and 102mgh, and the

On Jelete the levels measured along the circular path ranged from 0.063
to 0.130 mR/hr. No soil samples ware obtained.

depressions which had been near test locations showed 0.100 to over 0.500 mR/hr.

Oroken-Bokaetoktok-Bokdrol ul

of Eneman,

These three istands near the western end of the Yagoon are very small and
are similar in appearance.
Bach has a densely vegetated interior and there are
many nesting birds.

The highest value in the atoll, 0.570 mR/hr, was measured in this western end

The western end of Eneman contained quantities of radioactive scrap metal
in the form of steel cables and pieces of reinforcing rods embedded in concrete


Soil samples from this area indicated primarily ®%¢o activity with

considerable 125sb,

*55gu, and }92ah activity.

There was little l3?cg activity.

As determined from soil sampling, 60¢0 accounts for 83 to 87 percent of the


Radiation levela on Orcken ranged from 0.017 to about 0,040 mR/hr.

on Bokaetoktok ranged from 0,010 to 0.030 mR/hr.


In each case the higher levels

were found in the interior of the islands.
Bokdrolul showed Less variability
with levels away from the shore line ranging from 0.024 to 0.036 for both

scintillation and G-M counters. There was one G-M counter reading of 0,050
aR/hr. No soil samples were taken.

All that remains of Bokbata.is a small sand island containing zero vegetation, This sand island is located southwest of the Bravo Crater. The radia-

Select target paragraph3