short periods of consultation in health ficlds, which a
population of 100.000 could not be expected to support

full time.

The congineering expertise also available in

the Indian Health Service and in D/HEW would be available for

consultation and continuing program development in Micronesia.
The cuccess achieved by the Departments of the Interior -and --

HEW in working together to improve the health and well being

a sudden change


In 1958 during the nuclear tests at Bikini,


of the American Indian is an excellent example, which could
be duplicated in the Trust Territory.

in wind direction resulted in the irradiation of a group of
Micronesian natives residing on Rongelap and Utirik Atolls
as well as some Japanese fishermen.
These individuals
have been studied carefully, intensively and comprehensively |
by the Atomic Energy Commission over the ensuing years.
There has
been an annual examination conducted by the Atomic :
Iknergy Commission of the Rongelap citizens who were

accidentally victims of irradiation.
Three of the Rongelap
natives wno were quite young at the time of the accident

have developed thyroid carcinomas,




which have been successfully



Most recently the Micronesians have decided thet the Agency


concerned with the development and promotion of atomic
energy should not be the same agency which conducts health
examinations of their citizens who were accidentally
Rightly or wrongly, the Congress of Micronesia
feels that a conflict of interest exists.
A few months ago
when the Atomic Energy Commission physicians and their
consultants arrived at Rongelap for the annual examination
of its irradiated citizens they were not permitted to conduct
the ecxamination.
Dr. William Peck, a U.S. citizen who is
che Chicf Medical Officer of the Trust Territory,

told me

that a Micronesian Committee set up by the Congress of
Micronesia to investigate this situation

(Tab D)


might resolve it by inviting physicians from the Sovict
Union or Communist China or a group of anti-American
Japanese physicians to conduct the examinations.
presents an immediate problem for the U.S.



Select target paragraph3