contribution oF tne exposure in transit as compared to the exoosure
auring the placement period, wide fluctuations in net exposure as
measured by eacn of tne three dosimeters at each location were noticed.
However, a regression analysis was performed comparing Survey meter
readings to the rean TLD results at eacn location.

The linear

relationship between the two was described by:

TLO = -1.5 + 0.8 (survey meter)
The correlation coefficient was 0.94 and the average error associated
with the replicate TLD measurements was 35%.
Throughout this report survey meter readings as obtained in the field
have been used.

If it is assumed that the mean TLD value for each

station is a more accurate representation of the exposure rate, then
a further element of conservatism has been added to the external dose
estimates which are based on survey meter readings.
During May-June 1970 a joint AEC-U. of W.-WERL follow-un survev was
conducted on Bikini and Eneu.

The purpose of this survey was to deter-

mine the amounts of *329Pu in the soil and air.

WERL was responsible

for the air sampling program.
The air sampler chosen for this effort was the Model 102 developed and
used by Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Company at the AEC's Nevada
Test Site.

[It was felt that the Model 102, which was designed for rugged

outdoor use under extreme weather conditions, was well-suited for the
Bikini operation.

The sampler consisted of a constant-volume pump, belt-

driven by a gasoline powered engine.

The only adjustments necessary were

to the carburetor for sea-level operation.

All samplers were re-calibrated

for flow-rate at Bikini and the calibration was checked frequently during
the operation.
Four samplers were placed on Eneu, Figure 21, and five samplers on Bikini,
Figure 22.

Bikini No. 5 and Eneu No. 1 are considered to be background

stations since they were located on the windward side of the respective

istands, overlooking the beach.

Air filters were exchanged every 24 hours

for a period of 18 days on Eneu and 14 days on Bikini.

Sm 5005050


Tables 7 and 8

Select target paragraph3