No ediole land plants were found on <=7e complex.
Several large structures, mostly reinvorced concrete, constructed on the
coral reef are found between Nam and Zroij and one is located near the
Sand Dar, Bokbata, southwest of Nam.

“411 of these structures were

surveyed with the following results:

Able (Bokbata) feef Structure - one small door and several



pieces on reef 200-300 uR/hr.

Remainder 5-40 uR/hr.

Charlie (Nam), Soq (TIroij) feef Structure #1 - several
sma}] metal plates on top of concrete foundation 100-500

uR/hr (these are awash at high tide).

Remainder 5-10 yR/hr.

Structures #2 and #3 - all readings less than 10 wR/hr.
These structures were judged to constitute no radiological hazard and

Trust Territory representatives assessed the physical hazard as insufficient to justify the costly and Zime consuming effort which would
be required to remove them.
The traditional living pattern of the Sikinians centers around communal
life on the island of Bikini where the permanent village and social and
religious centers were located.

other islands, primarily Eneu.

Temporary settlanents were located on

In view of the Ad Hoc Committee's

recommendation to jimit initial resettlement to these two islands, it
is assumed that the doses received from brief visits to other islands
in the Atoll will be small relative to that received from residence on

In addition the uniformly low exposure rates encountered on

Eneu represented a potential exposure which is negligible even for
continuous occupancy.

for this reason, the treatment of dose considera-

tions will be limited to the island of Bikini.

As indicated previously the island of Bikini was extensively monitored
with portable gamma survey meters.

Secause the soil samples indicated




Select target paragraph3