proceburcs \°)
Gamma ré, spectrum analysis and strontium analysis on ail

and arrc-root samples were performed at the WERL
in Honoiulu, dHawaii.

coconut, pandanus,

Pacific Operations Laboratory

Edible portions of the samples were ground and counted

without crying on a 4- by 4-inch Nal(T1) crystal multi-channel analyzer system.
The spectral range covered was zero to two MeV.

At the concentrations of !37Cs

encountered in these samples, the counting error is approximately ten percent.
(All errors referenced in this section are 2 sigma confidence level.)
Following gamma spectrum analysis the samples were ashed and the inorganic
residue was analyzed for 29°Sr.

Due to the small amount of ash produced, it

was often necessary to composite samples from adjacent locations.
was performed on a low background beta counter.


The analytical error associ-

ated with this procedure is approximately ten percent at the levels of 9°Sr

All tritium and plutonium analyses were performed at

WEPL, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Tritium was determined by liquid scintillation counting of the water recovered
from coconut milk and from selected soil samples.
this procedure is 0.4 pCi/ml

The minimum sensitivity for

for five ml of recovered water.

At this concen-~

tration the error term for the 2 sigma confidence level is + 100 percent.
Analyses of the coconut milk and soil samples indicated the concentrations
of tritium were Jess than the minimum detectable level.

Plutonium analyses which were performed on soil samples were by radiochemical
separation followed by pulse height analysis using a lithium-drifted silicon

The analytical error is approximately ten to fifteen percent.

The analytical error associated with the results for plutonium on prefilters

iS approximately + 25% at the 2 sigma confidence level.
Unless otherwise specified each soil sample represented the top one to two
inches of a one-square-foot area at each location.

Prior to plutonium analysis,

gamma ray spectrum analysis was performed to identify the most abundant radionuclides and to estimate their relative contribution to the total activity.

Select target paragraph3