DRAFT, way 16°60 Agar itr, —halrman: | refer to your letter of April 22, 1964, which reaaestod that you be informed hy XAay 15 of the Cepartment of Defense ‘ x 9 interact in acquiring the -niwetok Proving Cround and, if tee voepartrent has a9 ceqairercent for the Proving Ground, concurrence ia placing it in s caretaker statas. Vv < ee l agree that the -niwstch Proving Ground should not bo retains. a6 a anclear test facility. The Jepartment of -efense hes a rojuiresmvat for the area ag an addities to the Pacific s(iseile NS 4 Ue, i+ Gge2 salt oppreciate pour offer to arrange for transfer of the ectesedawe§ MITER RESEARCH @ APEL. 7 Er a facitiity aad aquifunent to the Cepartment of Jefense on a non-reimnurvsabie basia. Tha Pacific Miseile lange will be directed te contact sour Albuquerque Operations Cfifice in the asar future to make arrenge-. ments for the transfer which we hope cas be effective an 1 July 1986, “abject tc your concurrence, we will expect the Pacific iilesile Y.age to negotiate with Holmes and Narver for epcratioca of the facility. In order to meet Departrent of Vefanes needs for an the aiwstak Lagoon as an tropect area fer missiles, and to stay within fands which can te made available to support the facility, = it ia most desirable that persconesel at Laiwetek Proving C round ~ _aage, on Ly = oa reduced by | July to approximately 145 employees involved ial Faery perating th: facility for the Department of Defense. Yor may FILED aepect thia to ce a ratter to be negotiated by the Pacific Missile , Sine eraly youre, draft cysegepheon/ejc 5/16/60 TWX TO: a INFO: ane iang te ae ase TRSseis USAEC, ALOO, ALBUQUERQUE, IM USAEC, SAN, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA oo : t 32 We or r2velatica why ee ofized ponson