A Health Care Proposal For The Marshall Islands was submitted on

3 December 1980 to U. S. Department of the Interior by Loma Linda
University School of Health in response to Public Law 96-205 and
RFP #14-01-0001-80-R-75.

This law directed the Secretary of the Interior to:
“Provide for the People of the atolls of Bikini,


and Utirik and for the people

of such other atolls as may be found to be or to
have been exposed to radiation from the nuclear

weapons testing program, a program of medical care

treatment and environmental research and

monitoring for any injury, illness, or condition
which may be the result directly or indirectly of
such nuclear weavons testing program."

In addition, the law directed that the plans for that
program set forth:

“An integrated, comprehensive health care program
including primary, secondary and tertiary care with
special emphasis upon the biologic effect of ionizing
The Department of the Interior


awarded the contract

for the RFP to Loma Linda University and upon further clarification
stipulated that the contractor prepare two health plans,


Select target paragraph3