


As Scientific Director of the Biogenics Corporation, Houston,
Texas, I was in chargeof the toxicology, clinical genetics
and basic research divisions. We provided expertise in the
performance and conduct of genetic toxicology and clinical
genetic research for government, industry, and the medical
professionals. We were also involved in the investigation of
the application of basic genetic discoveries for public utilization and the production of products for use in genetic
research, e.g., fetal bovine serum and enzymes.
As Director of the Genetic Toxicology Center, Ince., Vienna,
Virginia, I was responsible for the supervision and conduct

of the research,


and consulting services. We pro-

vided authoritative research and consultation in genetic and

reproductive toxicology to both government and industrial

health specialists and other professionals engaged in the
Gevelopment of health decisions. Laboratory responsibilities
included the supervision of cytogenetic studies on human blood
cells or sperm, the chromosomal analysis of prepared slides

of blood or bone marrow of animals,

selection of

study pop-

ulations, collection of samples and pertinent medical histOries, microscopy and photomicroscopy, statistical analysis
of data, and interpretation of results.

As Deputy Director of the Office of Carcinogen Identification
and Classification, Occupational Safety and Mealth Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, I served as the Senior Genetic
Toxicologist for the Occupational Safety and Health Administ-—
ration. In this capacity, I provided authoritative consultation in genetic toxicology related to the identification and
Classification of industrial agents concerning carcinogenicity,
mutagenicity, and teratogenicity. In adcition, my duties and
responsibilities included providing professional assistance,
advice, and leadership to occupational health decisions part-

icularly on subjects involving identification and classifica-

tion of carcinogenic agents.

I also participated as Senior

Oncologist in liaison with other agencies concerned with the
cause and prevention of cancer.

Select target paragraph3