AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE U.S. ATONIC ENERGY COMMISSION AND THE TRUST 'LERRTTORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS AG - Mf Inconvenience Payment to Utirik People Introduction: The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and’ the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, acting on behalf of the Utirik people, desizxe to enter into the following agreement in which the AEC will provide funds in the total amount of $18,212 as an inconvenience paymeut of $116 cach to the 157 people who were on Utirik Island on March 1, 1954, and the, frust Territory of the Pacific Islands will use its best efforts to assure the continued cooperation of recipients of these payments in “+ AEC sponsored medical studies. \ . The Atomic Energy Commission agrees to provide funds in the amount of $18,212 on a reimbursable basis, as follows: ~ 1. ; | / That the total cost uley this agreement is $18,212 and f that payments in the agsicmate shall nak of any time NO ° axyered this amount, Lhat the propose’ voucher or veceipt tui oo he wead in connection will. ‘such payments to the Utinril people shall be submitted for AEC Headquarters review and approval prior to any such payments being mote, 3. That acceptance of such Cunds by the Utirik people shall in no way be construed as prohibiting or restricting any fulure payments to the Utirlk people whether by way of compensation or therwise, 4. “That Appendix IA (enclosed) covering atandard AEG re- quirements in connection with research and development ! — 2 a a 5009679 LOQGE - BEST COPY AVAILABLE SEE - '