Major General Frank A. Camn


officer to his headquarters informing Director, DNA, of a potential
problem. Tab } is apparently the first General Dunn heard of the
problem and by then he had no vote--but his own representative
certainly was there and had ample opportunity to voice his opinions
if they were in conflict with those of Mr. Ray. The lack of subSequent objection by DNA indicates that LTC Circeo and all others
who were properly informed had no reason to contest the quarantine.

I would also like to note that contrary to my own earlier understanding and that of General Dunn, Roger Ray did not broadcast the
problem to the world unless SAMTEC is considered as being outside
the family.


William W. Gay
Captain, USN

Assistant Director for Tests

Attachments :

Tab 1:
Tab 2:

Message fm Eniwetok to
DNA dated 5/23/72
Message fm DNA to NV

dated 5/24/72

Tab 3:

Message fm NV to DMA

Tab 4:

Message fm SAMTEC to
Eniwetok dated 5/26/72

Tab 5:

dated 5/24/72

Paper--''Certain Issues

Involving Mr. Roger Ray"

so: Camm w/Atts. §& MGR
cc: Test Rdr w/Atts.

cc: WFW Rdr w/Atts.

Select target paragraph3