4O126s BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. Upton, NewYork 11973 (516) 345- 7631 Safety & Environmental Protection Division Research Progress Report 2 May 2, 1979 After compiling procedures for the radiochemical separation of Sr, Pu, Th, and U from whole teeth samples and holding a meeting with the analytical chemistry group with respect to doing the separation on site, it was decided that for the time being, while BNL is developing the expertise, that the sample will be sent to Dr. James McEnroy's LASL for radiochemical separation and alpha counting. are not high enough for alpha counting, lab at If the levels the nickel discs containing electroplated Pu or U will be fission track counted and the dise w/ th will . abe alpha track counted. Another batch of two Marshall Islands teeth samples, and blanks are being embedded and sectioned. should hopefully give ‘The modified procedure fission track autoradiographs that would show the Pu distribution in teeth. Some teeth sections will be sent to Dr. Schlenker of ANL for fission track autoradiography. for cross two control teeth, The results will serve comparison. Detailed description of the experimental results will be reported in the next progress report. Counce Distribution: Dr. Baum T. Greenhouse Dr. Knudsen Dr. Landolt “vr. Naidu Dr. Pratt Dr. Vetter Dr. Ziemer we sooon3t ) Cu _-