FEBRUARY3-9, 1973

Soil sampling on the north end of Yvonne (Runit), the last step of
the survey, was completed on February 8.
After practicing equipment operation, dust control techniques,
decontamination procedures, and access control, actual survey operations
for Yvonne commenced February 5.

Using data from a FIDLER grid and

earlier surveys, an array of 46 locations on North Yvonne was laid out.
At each location a backhoe dug a six-foot pit from which were taken
surface as well as profile samples.

Two backhoes, with three operators,

completed digging the pits on February 8.

By February 9, all pits had

been sampled.
The field work of the Radiological Survey is now completed.

The analysis

and assessment efforts, already begun, will continue for about the next
$ix months.

This is the final status report on this phase of the survey.


March 2, 1973, monthly status reports on pertinent survey activities
will be- issued.

Select target paragraph3