Trip Report, LCU-Liktanur ~ Medical Surveys at Wotje, Utirik, Rongelap

and Bikini - March 21- April 4, 1976
Upon completion of the medical surveys at Majuro and Ebeye the Liktafur
departed Kwajalein Atoll for Wotje at 1800 on March 2lst with 12 members of
the medical team, a 3 Japanese TV group and a representative of the Congress
of Micronesia.

Personnel are listed in the attached summary report of med-

ical findings.

On board were the bunk trailer, whole body counter trailer

(used for bunk space), one conex with medical boxes, jeep and Boston Whaler.
The voyage to Wotje was rough.
6 hours late

We arrived at the dock in Wotje about

(1430 on March 24th) due to defective radar equipment causing

the vessel to get off course to the north of Wotje atoll during the night.
An attempt at using a northern passage was unsuccessful resulting in temporary grounding (cause. of some apprehension).
only see 10 miles which seems inadequate.

Apparently the radar can

The thyroid survey (including

sick calls) at Wotje went well with excellent cooperation by the people.
The whaler was used to examine about 50 people on Ormed Island about 5
miles away.

We took a “walkie talkie" along to maintain ship contact.


pleasant farewell party with gifts and native foods was given by the ladies
of Wotje on the dock by the ship.

We departed from Wotje at 1700.

The voyage to Utirik was smoother than to Wotje and since we arrived
the following night we layed off

outside the atoll entering the pass at

sunrise and arriving at Utirik Island at 0830.

The LCU anchored off shore

awaiting high tide at which time beaching resulted in a dry ramp (unusual
at Utirik).

A village meeting was held and thyroid examinations of people

“on the Island and sick calls went well.
held just before departure.

A farewell party and feast was

There was notable cordiality with speeches,

flower leis and the entire village gathered on the beach to wave goodbye



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