SUBJECT: Radiological Survoy of Downwind Atolls Contaminated by BRAVO
°8 March ~ 1000 — 1800 Two partics in sml1 boats survoyced living arca
on Rongelap Island and castorn half of Rongelap Atoll
9 March — 0700 ~ 1130 Two partics in smll boats procecdod from the I
which ves stationed outside Utirik Atoll and survoycc
Utirik and fon Islands, tho main islands of the Atoll
9 March — 1500 —- 1700 Onc party in a small boat Jandod on tho outcr
roof of Bikar Island and survoyed the island, the or.
largo island of Biller Atoll,
10 March = O700 = 1100 Two partics in small boats procceded from the I
which was stationod outside Rongorik Atoll and survc;

Fniwctak Island (where the Task Forco's Units had bec
stationed) and the other important islands of the Ato.

10 March ~ 1430 — 1900 Two partics in smll boats procooded fromthe ©
which was stationed outside Alinginac Atoll and surve

the inhabited islands of tho AtolL

11 March - 0700 — 1400 Onc party in a small boat survoyed tho northrcs
orn islands of Rongclap Atoll and onc party rocheckod
tho living arcas on Rongolap Island and cstablisticd a
roforcnco location for future docay measurcmnts,.
12 March - 0800

Survoy toam arrivod EFniwotok Atoll via DDE.

4. The following personncl from test projects in TG 7.1, TU 13, scrved as
members of the gurvey tcam:

Horbort Scoville, Jr.

TU-~13 Start

Walmer Strope

Projoct 6.4

Richard Rast
Richard Soulo

Project 2.1
Projoct 2.5a

The USS NICHOLAS (DDE 449) supplicd boat crows under the direction of LT Cliffc

Frink, Exocutive Offieccr, for surveys.


Radiae set AN/PDR-39 was sclcetcd as the instrummt to be used in the

conduct ef the survey. Fivo (5) cach of AN/PDR-39 wero calibrated with an 60
Curic Co™
sourco twonty-four hours before departure, The calibration yielded
zcro variation between instrummts - any scalco. Upon cross checking threc of

those instrumats, (a point of actual survey) in a radiation ficld of 0.320 r/
it was found that all threo instrumcts gave the samo reading.

These survey motcrs wore subject to prolonged uso under adverse conditions of dampness (to the point of sca wator splashing over thom), salt dcposit

and continual rough handling. With ano cxception, all instrummts opcrated
cfficicntly for the duration of the operation. On the final day it was found


Select target paragraph3