l-i ,s ..-. / ., September 10, 198? CALCULATION OF POTENTIAL I?ADIATION CAUSED HEALTH EFFECTS FOR PERSONS LIVING IN THE NORTHERN MARSHALL ISLANDS Potential health effects for persons living in the northern Marshall Islands are calculated using the same assumptions and same methods used for the Bikini population (copy attached). Risk coefficients from both BEIR I and BEIR 111 were used providing not--only a range of estimates but also a comparison of the most conservative (linear, relative risk model ) with what would be described by many radiation biologists as the most probable (linear-quadratic, absolute model ). POPULATION ESTIMATES The following population estimates are derived by simple ratios from the Bikini calculation (copy attached) for a population of 550. These calculations predicted 1277 births, 164 deaths over a period of 30 years and a final population of 1684 after 30 years for an initial population of 550. Deaths in 30 years: 164 ~= Births in 30 years: 1277 == Population after 30 years: deaths in population of interest initial population of interest births in population of interest initial population of interest opulation after 30 years 1684 ~=!nitial population of interest Also from the Bikini population, the estimate of the full 30 year dose received by children born during the 30 year period is 0.36 of the dose persons living the entire 30 year period would receive. ●