



Pacific Northwest
P.O. Box-


Richland. Washington

U.S.A. 99352


Telex 1S-2S7’4


8, 1982

Dr. Henry I. Kohn
1203 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94709

. . -.


Dear Dr. Kohn:
Enclosed is a description of how the risk estimates in our Bikini book
Included are estimates based on BEIR-I which we used
were calculated.
since BEIR-111 had not yet been accepted by the U.S. Government.
fact at the time we wrote the Bikini book only a type set copy of BEIR111 was available, which was not identical to the version eventually
Me used this type set version to calculate estimates based
on BEIR-111 for comparison purposes.
This also is enclosed.
Because of your question about the origin of the values for the dose to
the highest individual I’ve included a table in the appendix of actual
dose data for individuals.
Also included is a copy of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands,
Five Year Comprehensive Health Plan, dated February 1979. As I mentioned to you on the phone this was our only source of population data
ofi the M~:-shallese people. The enclosure is all of the report that D-.
Wachholz received from Mr. Ted Mitchell, a lawyer who was with the
Legal Service and who represented the Enewetak people.
You’ll note that it appears incomplete.
Also, there is a par! which is
labeled Chapter Four, VI Demography.
I don’t know whether th~s 1s a
part of the Marshall Islands Five Year Plan or whether it is from
another report.
The data in this Chapter Four is not quite in agreement
For example, in Table IV-6, page
with the data in the Five Year Plan.
63 the annual growth rate for the Marshallese is given as 4.4%.
the data in Table III-1 of the Five Year Plan, the annual growth rate
seemed to be less than 4%; we used 3.8%.
Please call if you have any questions.

Select target paragraph3