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Dr. John R. Totter



April 28, 1970

possible between surveys. We have therefore run into the serious
difficulty of insuring adequate thyroid hormone therapy in the exposed
population. Some of these people, particularly those that have had
thyroidectomies, will become hypothyroid if a strict treatment schedule
is not maintained. We have made every effort to insure continuity of
the treatment program but medical personnel at the District centers
charged with the treatment program responsibility just have not always
been able to take the time to ferret out those people who have not
shown up for their weekly medication.
I do not intend that the above statements should be interpreted

as criticism of the Trust Territory.

They have been laboring under

great difficulties of budgetary restrictions, shortage of personnel and
transportation facilities particularly for outer island medical care,

Though definite progress is being made in the Marshalls and marked
improvements in medical care can be seen, it will probably be some time
before the medical care of the exposed Marshallese will be satisfactory.
It would be unrealistic, of course, to expect medical care anywhere near
on a par with American standards in the near future.

Drs. Bond, Cronkite

and I feel that the above facts should be brought to the attention of
the AEC in view of the possibility of criticism by activist groups.

As I see it the only possible partial solution to this problem
would be having a responsible individual with medical training directly

responsible to us in the islands. With the shortage of medical personnel
in the Trust Territory it is not likely that they will be able to furnish

such an individual.

In the past I have attempted unsuccessfully to get

two health aids stationed on Rongelap.
It is unlikely that we could get
a physician that would be willing to fulfill these responsibilities.
However it might be possible to obtain someone with medical training
such as a retired Navy pharmacist's mate or his counterpart in the
other services though I am not sure that we could find anyone that

would be willing to fill this position.

I had an opportunity to

informally discuss these problems with the High Commissioner of the
Trust Territory, Mr. Edward Johnston, during my recent trip to the

Marshall Islands and he is in sympathy with our problem.




Robert A. Conard, M.D.

RAC: jr


V.P. Bond
E.P. Cronkite


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