The Political Situation
Decisions on the local level are made by the council of
family heads and other males.

The council is headed by

Magistrate Juda, who is also the senior male of the Bikini
group according to the traditional system.

the local chiefs (iroij), of Bikini.

He is the heir ofr

The Bikini people were

also traditionally subjects of a paramount chief (iroij lablab),
whose ancestor had conquered Bikini over a

century ago.


paramount chiefs of Bikini nad never lived on the atoll but

only visited it from time to time to collect tribute from their

A percentage of the cash proceeds from copra produc-

tion was collected during the Japanese period.
The Bikini people,

in effect, declared their independence

from the paramount chief shortly after their move from Bikini.
They rejected him completely and declared that the U.S.
Government was their paramount chief, and not the absentee
title holder,

whom they complained had never done anything to

heip them, but only exploited them.
for the past twenty years.

This hag been the theme

On my last trip to the Marshalls

I found that this attitude has not changed.

They want nothing

to do with Iroij Lejol8A Kabua who holds the paramount chief's
rights to Bikini according to the traditional Marshallese


The attitude of rejection and refusal to accept him as

their leader and spokesman has hardened,

if anything, after

more than twenty years of independence.

As I understand it,

Le joi &f continues to maintain his claim to his hereditary rights

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