137Cs and 29Sr with 137Cs the predominant radionuclide in the plants (Appendix
Table 12) and 2°Sr in the coconut crabs (Appendix Table 13).


Most plant samples

contained 10 to 100 pCi of !37Cs per gram of dry tissue, however, coconut milk
samples contained up to 355 pCi/g.

The exoskeleton of. the coconut crabs con-

tained 50 to 340 pCi of 99Sr per gram.

The other tissues contained 1 to 20

The results of the analyses of the soil samples are given in Appendix
Tables 14 through 17.

Cesium-137 and 9°Sr are the predominant radionuclides,

although ©°Co, 155Eu, 241Am, and 239°240Py were also detected in most of
the samples analyzed for these specific radionuclides.
also present in the soils from Naen Istand.

Antimony-125 was

Radionuclide values were lowest

on Rongelap and Eniaetok Islands and highest on Naen.

Cesium-137 and ?9Sr

values in surface soils from Naen averaged several hundred pCi/g and ranged

up to 980 and 523 pCi/g for 137C5 and 2°Sr, respectively.

Cesium-137 values

in soil from Rongelap Island were less than a hundred pCi/g.


and 22am values in Rongelap and Eniaetok Island soils were commonly 1 to 5 pCi/g,
while in Naen soils values for these radionuclides ranged to 65 pCi/g.

Bikini Atoll]
Plants were the only sample type collected at Bikini Atoll.

the analyses of these samples are in Appendix Table 18.
are the predominant radionuclides.
in the leaves of the pandanus.

Results of

Cesium-137 and 29Sr

The greatest 137Cs and 2°Sr values are

Leaves from a pandanus plant near pit #9 (see

Figure 2) contained 2350 pCi of !37Cs per gram, while leaves from a plant

near House #5 contained 483 pCi of 99Sr per gram.
usually less than the limits of detection.


Plutonium-239,240 values were


Select target paragraph3