E. Survey Team

PMR is disptaching a team of 15 people to EPG

today for a 3 day visit to survey the installation and make a
quick screen of the property they will be getting. JTIF-7 and H&Nn
will have a representative along.

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F. Action Items Subcommittees were set up to define the problems
that need
be solved. This led to the assignment of 34 action
items to Warious agencies (Tab C). I accepted two for DMA:


Initiate AEC-DOD Bilateral agreement to transfer
EPG from AEC to DOD.
se Departments of Interior and State of the

ansfer of the EPG to PMR.

G. ALOO's Plan of Action Reeves hopes
approval sometime this week.



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get this in for your

Following the general meetings, a small group of people met with
Admiral Monroe, Commander PMR and explained the progress made and
the planned future action. He was anxious to learn of possible
AEC re-entry interest and I explained the principle with which
General Loper concurred. An understancing was also reached that
there would be no uni-lateral press releases on this transfer.
that connection, Mr. Hertford hopes that we can get clearance soon
for an appropriate press release.
It is recommended that Test Branch initiate action on Paragraph F
above and on a joint press release.

Tab A, B and C

Dod phoned COW jens vhiart on Y,

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