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Instrumentation arrayfor a series of 5-m?
test spills of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at

the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, California. The
array consisted of eight primary stations (points I through

8) distributed downwind from the spill point, each one

equipped with a variety of grab samplers, gas sensors,
and thermocouples. The primary stations were supplemented at points 9, 10, and I] by anemometers and at point 12
by a Jet Propulsion Laboratory gas sensor. The radial dis-

tance from the spill point in the pond to stations 7 and 8 was

9] m. Instruments at stations I, 2, 4, 5, 7,.and 8 were

positioned 0.9 m abovethe pond surface. Instruments at stations 3 and 6 were 0.3, 0.9, and 2.4 m abovethe surface. The
center line of the array coincidedwith the prevailing wind
direction. The LIDAR system, a laser-based remote gas sen-

sor, detected Raman scattering from methane within a
series of 9-m-long range gates. (Elevation contours are in

feet above sea level.)


J 008


Select target paragraph3