The system operates by drawing
air at a rate of 566 litres/min
through a membranefilter paper
for a fixed period and then passing
the filter containing the sampled
particles in front of four niggedized
surface barrier detectors. The
detector chamberis evacuated to
prevent the interaction of alpha

Washington) during the summerof
1978. The Z-plant is a chemical

processing facility that converts
plutonium nitrate to oxide or metal,
recovers and dissolves scrap, and


a five-fold increase in resolution).
The sample is then counted and
the results analyzed while another
sample is being collected. The entire process is controlled by an LSI11 microprocessor. The system can

of plutonium-238 and/or


vance thefilter paper, and pump
the detector chamber back downto
20 mm of Hg in about 22 seconds.
Figure 3 shows the actual sampling
hardware used.
Figure 4, an alpha spectrum of
a stack sample collected by TAMS
at the Rockwell Hanford Operation plutonium-recovery facility,
illustrates the spectral resolution of
the system. The three peaks on the
right are caused by the radon222-radon-220 daughters,
polonium-218, bismuth-212,
polonium-214, and polonium-212.
The peak resulting from polonium214 has a full width at half maximum of about 100 keV. Thefirst
peak on the left indicates the
presence of plutonium-239, and
the second indicates the presence

about 71 O00 litres/min. Our


"particles with air (and thus produce

vent the detector chamber, ad-

also separates americium from
plutonium. The exhaust stack is
about 8m high and 36cm in
diameter with an effluent flow of


Pig. ah

Alpha spectrum of a 60-min stack sample

collected by TAMS at a plutonium
facility. The three peaks on the right are caused by the
radon-222-radon-220 daughters, polonium-218, bismuth212, polonium-214, and by polonium 212. The first peak on
the left indicates the presence of plutonium-239, and the
second indicates the presence of plutonium-238 and/or
americium-241, Note that TAMS can resolve plutonium239 from the combined plutonium-238 and americium-



Field results
The TAMS system wasfieldtested at the Rockwell Hanford
Operation plutonium-recovery
facility’s Z-plant (in Richland,


Select target paragraph3