predicted integral doses at Enjebi

Island over 30- and 50-yr periods.
The 30-yr dosesare at or above the
Federal guideline (5 rem whole-

body dose) when imported foods
are unavailable. As a result of these

findings, the U.S. Government has
recommendedthat there be no immediate resettlement of the
northem islands.
It has been estimated! that the
predicted doses for Enjebi Island
would result in an increase of less

than 0.5 case of cancer over the

75 cases expected naturally among
the returning population. As for
genetic defects, an increase of
about 0.1 case over the 107 occurring naturally per 1000 births is
expected. After comparing these
risks to those that they face living

on an outeratoll (typhoons,lack of

medical care, sharks, etc.), the people of Enewetak wish to return to
Enjebi Island.
The maximum annual dose
tates and 30-yr integral doses
predicted for future residents of
Bikini and Eneu Islands in the
Bikini Atoll are given in Tables 3
and 4. Higher concentrations of
cesium-137 and strontium-90 at
Bikini Island lead to doses that exceed the Federal short- and longrange guidelines. However, the
predicted Eneu doses are below
current federal quidelines, and
the people want to returm to that
Our dose assessments in the
Marshall Islands must be as accurate as possible to protect the



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people from any unnecessary exposure. At the same time, we must

not seriously overestimate risks that

would be otherwise acceptable to
people seeking to return to their
home atolls. To this end, we are
continuing to improve data on
which the assessments are based

and to make the assessments
more precise.

Key words: Bikini Atoll; Enewetak Atoll;
Marshall Islands; plants—radioisotope uptake;
radioactive contamination.

Notes and references
1. M. A. Bender and A. B. Brill, Assessment of

Radiation Health Effects of the Resettlement
of Enewetak Atoll, National Cytogenetics,
Inc., Valentine Road, Shoreham, New York

(October 1979).

2. The Eneweiak Atoll Today, U.S. Department

of Energy {September 1979).

Select target paragraph3