one case of cancer had been given a thorough examination including x-rays

at Tripler General Hospital last summer and no reoccurance of her disease

was found.

The possible correlation of the slight growth retardation in

some of the exposed children with thyroid malfunction, and the response
of this retardation to thyroid treatment, is of considerable importance.

These data are now being analyzed and are not yet available.


in one boy who was quite stunted in growth, it was apparent that there
had been a remarkable spurt in his development since he started treatment
with the hormone.

There were no other noteworthy medical findings and no unusual
illnesses or disease were noted that could be related to radiation effects.

During the past year there were no serious epidemics or diseases and hospital
admissions were about the same as noted in previous years.
No miscarriages

or still births were reported.

Two deaths had occured in older exposed

people, one presumably due to cancer.

Three older people in the comparison

population died during the past year also. The birth rate was about the
Same as in the past. All new babies were examined, as well as children
of the exposed people and comparison population, and were found generally
to be healthy. The continued high birth rate in these small islands is
a serious problem.

At the end of our examinations a number of routine recommendations
for treatment of certain case was given to the Trust Territory practitioners. |


A more detailed report of the findings of this survey will be

Robert A. Conard, M.D.

Medical Research Center
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, L. I., N. Y.

April 20, 1967

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