The following statements briefly outlines the background and development
of the grievances expressed by the people of Utirik Atoll concerning the BNL
sponsored medical examinations in their letter to Mr. Roger Ray of July 9,
Decisions regarding medical examinations and treatment of the Marshallese
people exposed to fallout radiation during the past 22 years have been based
on expert medical advise from outstanding specialists in the field of radiation effects, many of whom have participated in the examinations.

In addi-

tion approval for the manner in which the examinations of the Utirik and
Rongelap people were being conducted was documented by an observer group
appointed by the Congress of Micronesia in 1972.

This group consisted of

several outstanding physicians from Japan, England and the United States.
Frequency of examinations;

lack of. expectancy of late thyroid effects:

Soon after the examinations of the Marshallese began in 1954, it was
known that the Utirik people had received only a slight dusting of fallout
with an estimated whole body dose 14 rads as compared with 175 rads in the
Rongelap people.

None of the Utirik people showed acute effects as did the

Rongelap people and it was the general medical consensus that this group
would not likely show detectable effects in the future and the people were
told of this.

It was decided that complete medical examinations every three

years would be adequate for this group while annual examinations were indicated for the Rongelap people in view of the much greater exposure and

acute radiation effects.

The degree of thyroid exposure from radioiodines

‘In addition to the complete physical examination there have been thyroid
and "sick calls" on an annual basis since 1968. Since 1954 the Ucirik
people have had complete examination in 1957, 1959, 1963, 1969, 1972 and
1975. Blso






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