ng?Chairman Ploberg's August 28

iMeElroy?and in your October 29, 1959* letter to me the
DOD established agreement that the Eniwetok Proving Ground

ivity‘could be reduced in scope to a l2-month readiness

cause the’ likelihood ‘of resuming surface nuclear testing
PG..4n' the future is so small, Chief, DASA, Commander, JTF-7,

and the‘Directorof Military Application, AEC, last month
ppointed.a Joint Study Group to reappraise requirements for EPG,

eadiness status and: functions of JTF+7, *The report of that
short title RETO, prepared on March 31, 1960,
-in part, that the EPG should be- placed in a caretaker

,conour . in that conclusion and would like to implement it
practicable in orde
duce AEC oostes at EPG,

‘gompletely “If the Department of |
thas requirenentertor, etaining Eniwetok and Blkini Atolls,
obe‘economically advantageous to arrange a non-reimbursable

departmental.transfer: of‘the: plant facilities and the equipsthere:before
the’AEC puts the Proving Ground in caretaker
hen, the ‘‘equipment and supplies now stored at
x XOCSB,. probably; several. million dollars worth

betdisposed“of ‘~ equipment:wht ch might handily fulfill
1ble; DOD Zequirenents in.
PG, .

ate knowing by May 15 of your

win:-acquiring the EPG’ for, possible DOD use.


additionally aif

requirement iforithe EPG, your concurrence is

iniremoving a. specifieddegree of readiness for test re~
-that’the Commission can begin immediately to

quipment now stored in EPG and place the plant

" atuacbety yours,

‘/e/ John: A. McCone
Chadrman |



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