Jack Clark, J-DO
T. Le Shipman, Me De

over what-appeara tobe€. chango:ee

ments: for‘those members"‘ot the Laboratar

‘tively in ‘test.operat


go fer’as’ 1t(48:"reascazble-and’proper; ‘be'uniformy

‘statedits requirement)!which will be féund, in:

uaich was published;in' June

3}. chest’Xereys dt.




mation-has beenconducted’during the
oman not be ‘necessary, _ provided a‘ record

“wiation from.which wenld disqualifya: paren fron*

‘ Padiation, ‘With onl). one: of ‘these requirements can We
’ J% is stated:‘that a°‘otal red bloodcell! count above iG

, eee susha. bloodcount ie fairly,cmon etLos

hefar‘ap Loo lamer: personnel4s concerned; ve will’

ous= Stipulation that .chsst Xerays as often:‘agtevery : hi
gary. -For-Laboratrry workers. under‘45 years: of. age

_ eae chest X=riyvs oftener than once ‘alyear,.and ‘£6
_ than once in'six nenths. We shall also use our’ discrotion
“test director. nda task force commander: that‘‘those

area are presumably and to the best of our knowledge ._ Bdetuatephysical. condition:to
, withstand,
eethe vigogs .
‘tt might be wel) at this: time to digress:masentarily ti Fc

the: ques

tion of chest X-rays. The usual chest Xeray taken with: standard.equipment, ©

using the smal). sized film, delivers to the individual's chest a-dose'which.”’ :
averages from 250 to 300 mr. The exposure with the full sized WASAThye

film is slightly less. In both cases the cautpnent is shielded*so that
exposure to other parts of the body is minimal and insignificant. It is
generally held by the best authorit}
that such ogg


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