Administrative and Logistics

and the AEC for support of operations has been revised as of 1 January 1953 and is attached as Appendix II.

Budget estimates submitted

to CJTF SEVEN will take into account the responsibilities of the

three military Services and of the AEC for support of the task force
to the end that task force:funds are not requested for purposes other
than those intended.
Budget esticsies will be submitted as directed
in specific letters of instruction issued by the Commander, Joint
Task Force SEVEN. Additional unforeseen fund requirements may be submitted, with proper justification, by task group commanders at any



Fiscal accounting and reporting procedures will be those

prescribed for the Department of the Army in Army and Special Regula-

tions of the 35 series.

For the purpose of these regulations, task

groups will be considered at installation level and Headquarters, JTF
SEVEN at the opsrating agency level.



The Commander, TG 7e2 will be rezponsible for provision of disbur-

Sing service for all Army, Navy and Air Force military ane civilian
personnel of the task force at ENTWETOK and BIKINI ATOLLS and at the

weather stationse

To facilitate accomplishment of this mission, the

' TG 7.2 disbursing office will be augmented by assignment of Air Force
enlisted personnel. Disbursing service for task force naval personnel
payment of travel claims of military and DOD civilian personnel, cashing of authorized negotiable instruments and exchange of checks or
Disbursing Officer's Military Payment Orders for cash to individuals

or non-appropriated funds.



afloat will be the responsibility of CTG 7.3. Disbursing service, as
referred to herein, will include maintenance of military pay accounts,

Reports of surveys on lost, damaged or destroyed government pro-

perty will be prepared and processed in accordance with the existing

Service regulations. For the purposes of Army and Air Force regulations, the task group commanders are considered installation level
ing prompt initiation of reports of survey where required upon dis~
covery of less, damage or destruction of government property.


Audits of military property accounts will be accomplished by

representatives of the Auditor General of the Air Force and the Chief

of the USARPAC Audit Agency in the case of Air Force and Army accounts
respectively. Audit schedules will be as provided by Service regula-

tions, modified as requested by CJTF SEVEN. Specific instructions
are provided in CJTF SEVEN SOP 175-1 and SOP 175-2. Navy accounts

will be inspected as provided by Navy directiveso

Cost Accounting and Reporting.


Reports Control.

Procedures for accumulating and re-

porting cost data are prescribed in SOP 171-1.

Recurring and one-time controlled reports are

Latfoe |

commanders and CJTF SEVEN the reviewing authority. All concerned are
enjoined to comply with the provisions of Service regulations govern~

Select target paragraph3