Administrative and Logistics


(1) Air
(a) The determination of passenger and cargo requirements for
air transportation will be governed by the provisions of SOP 76-3 of ©

13 March 1953.

The submission of requirements will be in accordance

with SOP 172-403, dated 16 January 1952.

Task Force Headquarters will

retain sole control over all tonnage allocations assigned to JTF SEVEN
and in cases of emergency will direct the utilization of such alloca-

tions as the necessity requires.

(b) The scheduling of airlift will be governed by the provi-

sions of SOP 76-2, dated 21 December 1951.

(c) All air traffic must meet the eligibility requirements
specified by pertinent Army, Navy and Air Force publications.

(2) Water
(a) The determination of passenger and cargo requirements for
surface transportation will be in accordance with SOP 75-2A, dated 3

March 1952.

The submission of requirements will be in accordance

with SOP 172-407, dated 7 January 1952.

Marking and Shipment of Supplies and Equipment.

Marking and ship-

ment of supplies and equipment to the forward area will be in accord-

ance with SOP 75-1 (as amended), dated 17 March 1952.



To insure availability of suitable passenger space

(both air and water) and to permit firm bookings, task group comman-

ders will comply with the provisions of SOP 172-406.

Liaison Officers ~ Transportation (Movement Control)

(1) Task force Liaison officers and/or movement control agencies


(2) Liaison officers are local representatives of Headquarters,

~~ m,

(JTF LNO or MCA) are located at NSC, Oakland, California; Travis Air
Force Base, California; Hickam Air Force Base, TeH. and Kwajalein,

JTF SEVEN in all matters concerning the task force. Movement control
agencies represent the task force on matters pertaining to movement

of task force personnel and cargo through both water and aerial ports.

(3) Liaison and movement control officers are responsible for the

coordination of the expeditious movement of task force personnel and

(4) Task group commanders will assign additional liaison officers

and enlisted personnel as required to the Naval Supply Center,
Oakland, California; Travis Air Force Base, California; Hickam Air

Force Base, TeHe and Kwajalein, MoI.e Activities of task group liaison personnel will be coordinated by the JTF SEVEN liaison officers.
Task group Liaison personnel will coordinate and expedite the movement
' of cargo and personnel of their respective task groups through water



cargo through both the water and aerial ports to which they are assigned.

Select target paragraph3