Radiological Safety

d. Provide primary decontamination crews and facilities for aircraft
at ENIWETOK ISLAND“ap@-diminat-enewscdinlriacdistiesalctheagyinivedae
ee Assist TG 7-3 in aircraft decontamination with TG 7-4 equipment,
if required.
f. Provide necessary helicopter and liaison air service for radiolo~
gical surveys and post-shot recovery operations (monitors furnished

by TG 7el)e

Provide monitoring services for the removal and packaging of


Provide cloud tracking aircraft for post-shot radiological safety

radioactive samples or data collected by aircraft.

“situation data" up to radius of 500 miles in the significant quad-

rant for period of 48 hours, starting at approximately H plus 6 hours

for each shot.

(See parae 2c(3) of Annex J).

Promulgate the air radex for each shot.

je Establish a simple code to be used in conjunction with the periodic weather reconnaissance reports to report approximate air radiation
intensities encountered on regularly established weather reconnais-—

sance or cloud tracking flights.

The Commander, TG 7.5 will prepare to:

Develop a schedule of requirements for radiological safety serv-

ices required from CTG 7el.

be Provide and train key radiological personnel for integration into
and training with the radiological safety organization of TG 7el

during the overseas phase of the operatione

The total number and

qualifications of such personnel will be as determined necessary by

CTG 7-5 commensurate with the assumption of responsibilities indica-

ted in 8c, below.

ce Assume residual task force radiological safety functions at the
Pacific Proving Ground upon completion of the overseas phase of the
operation. Required equipment and supplies will be made available at

that time, to CTG 7.5 on a loan or sale basis from stocks provided by
CTG Tele

Training. The inclusion of radiological safety organizations throughout the task force will require two general levels of training; basic
indoctrination and technical traininge The scope of instruction with-

in each of these levels will vary in accordance with the requirements
of different operational and staff levels. Basic indoctrination will
include primary, non-technical instruction in radiological safety

measures and techniques. This must be imparted to all personnel of
the task force to enable them to perform their assigned duties efficiently within the allowable low exposures, regardless of the presence of radioactive contaminants. Technical training will] include

the training of the majority of the personnel who will be required to
staff the task force radiological safety organizations and perform




Select target paragraph3