Radiological Safety


Laboratory services and technical assistance to all task groups,

to include:

(1) Procurement of film badges and. specified supplementary items
of personnel radiological :safety equipment.

(2) Laboratory services to develop and interpret film badges.
(3) Records of exposures from film badgese
furnished task group commanders).

(Duplicates will be

(4) Laboratory services for the radio-chemical analysis of water



(5) Provision of primary facilities at PARRY ISLAND radiological

safety building for calibration, repair and maintenance of instruments
and storage of spare parts of RADIAC equipment. Similar limited faciLitieg will be maintained at BIKINI during the operational phase at

that atoll.

(6) Monitoring the removal and packaging of radioactive sources
and samples except as indicated in paragraph 4a above.
ce Provision of radiological safety surface situation maps after shot
times to the task force commander and the the task groups requiring
the informations


Procurement of radiological safety clothing as necessary for TG

Jol, TG 765 and specified recovery personnel.



de Procurement and issuing of special high density goggles to specified personnel of the task farceo

f. Provision of technical personnel to inspect radiologically contaminated items for all task groups and certify destruction, disposal,
or unserviceability of such items as required.

Provision of personnel and equipment decontamination facilities

h. Limited fall-out studies within the Pacific Proving Ground for
radiological safety documentation only.


for RadSafe survey and recovery operations.

Assumption of radiological safety responsibilities of TG 7.5 dur~

ing the overseas phase of operation.

training in the fundamental radiological safety services to be
assumed by CTG 7-5 upon completion of the overseas phase of the operatione

The Commander, TG 7e2 will prepare to perform the following:


All ground monitoring services associated with ENIWETOK ISLAND,


je The integration within TG 7.1 of key radiological safety personnel made available by CTG 7.5 Such personnel will assist CTG 7.1°
during the operational phase and will be assigned duties amenable to

Select target paragraph3