i. The following are "Normal Service Operating Expenses" and will
be financed by the Services:

Pay and allowances of all service personnel.
All costs of subsistence of service personnel.
Cost of special clothing normally furnished service person-

nel when employed in severe climates,

Cost of travel and transportation of personnel to first Task

Force duty station upon initial assignment and travel and

transportation from last Task Force station to next regular

duty assignment.

All costs of travel and transportation of

the member, his family, and household goods incidental to a

permanent change of station when assigned to or relieved
from assignment to the Task Force.

Medical and dental services for military personnel.

Ships, aircraft, boats and other standard equipment and

supplies necessary for the operation, including maintenance,
parts, POL and consumable supplies required in support of

the Department of Defense participation.

Packing, handling and transportation to Task Force of equipment and supplies furnished by the Services for the ‘Support
of the Task Force.

2. The following are "Extra Expenses" and are to be financed out of
funds made available direct to the Task Force Commander, provided facilities, equipment or modification are not to be continued in use by the
Service after completion of the Task Force requirement;

Costs of modification to and subsequent restoration of equipment, aircraft, or ships requested by the Task Force Commander.

Costs of activation and subsequent inactivation of ships,
aircraft and small craft requested by the Task Force Commander.

Costs of construction and rehabilitation of existing structures and facilities at the test site required by the

operations of a Task Force Commander in connection with
approved Department of Defense test programs.

Cost of transportation of personnel attached to the Task

Force and traveling under orders of the Task Force Comman-

der, including costs of temporary duty travel as well as any
permanent changes of station travel other than those covered
in 1.d. above while assigned to the Task Force.

Administrative expenses incurred by Task Force and Task
’ Force Headquarters.


Select target paragraph3