

(6) Install, operate and maintain BIKINI terminal facilities, to

include AN/TRC equipment for use on ENYU-ESTES ciphony link and HF

transmitting and receiving equipment (ENYU) for use on ENIWETOK-BIKINI

RATT duplex circuits

(7) Install, operate and maintain theater facilities at ENIWETOK

ISLAND; install and maintain motion picture projection facilities at


(8) Operate a crystal grinding facility for emergency production

of crystals for ail elements of the task force.

(9) Furnish emergency power for communications facilities provided

by TG 7.2, to include the joint transmitter building.

(10) Operate a battery charging plant for the maintenance of storage
(11) Provide maintenance for Special Service radio broadcast station WXLE and Special Service radio receivers.
(12) Provide personnel and equipment te operate and maintain
Headquarters, JIF SEVEN teleconferencing facilities on PARRY ISLAND.

(14) Install, operate and maintain facilities control of circuits

terminating in Relay Center, ENIWETOK.


(13) Provide such other electronic facilities, the operation and
maintenance of which are normally considered a responsibility of the
Signal Corps, which are within the capabilities of personnel and equipment évailableo

(15) Provide a send and receive TT circuit from Headquarters, JTF

SEVEN Communications Center (PARRY ISLAND) to central receiving point
in Building 208-209, PARRY ISLAND, for delivery of teletype traffic
for TG 7o1 and TG 750


Naval Task Group (TG 7.3)

(1) Provide internal task group communications to include relay

facilities from USS ESTES and/or CVE to task group ships at sea.

(2) Provide space aboard USS ESTES for housing and operations of

1 officer and 10 enlisted men of the communications security monitoring detachmente

(3) Provide communications for transmission of traffic of an

administrative nature only between CTG 7.3 and the Navy Department
and with naval operating forces not directly concerned with CASTLE.

(4) Operate and maintain shipboard command and control communi-

cations facilities for CJIF SEVEN and staff afloat.


Insure complete


(16) Where, in the foregoing paragraphs, installations is a re-

sponsibility assigned to CTG 7.2, it will be accomplished in conformity with specifications issued by CJTF SEVEN.

Select target paragraph3