Naval Task Group Summary of Tasks


Provide shipboard assembly facilities for the experimental devices


As directed, transport the experimental devices and the necessary


Provide suitable escort when transporting experimental devices


Operate a ship-to-shore and inter-island helicopter lift system

and limited laboratory, shop and office space for TG 7.1.

barges and associated personnel between and within ENIWETOK and BIKINI
ATOLLS. Conduct rehearsals of this activity as required.


between atolls.

at BIKINI to support pre-shot operations and post-shot flights for

damage survey and recovery of scientific data. Be prepared to assist
CTG 7.4 in the conduct of this activity at ENIWETOK upon conclusion
of BIKINI operations. In this connection, take cognizance of the
Task Force Commander's concept of coordinated airlift operations set


forth in paragraph 6 of Annex B.

m. Provide space on the CVE for a mobile radio-chemical laboratory,
a photo-dosimetry laboratory and the associated operations of the
radiological safety unit of TG 7.1.
n. Be responsible for decontamination of all aircraft at BIKINI,
assisted by CTG 7.1 ashore as required.
o. Provide decontamination crews and facilities for TG 7.3 aircraft
at ENIWETOK ATOLL, with limited assistance by CTG 7.4 as required.

p. Provide shipboard command, control and communications facilities
for CJTF SEVEN and staff; also provide administrative space for Ha,
TG 7.1 and Hq, TG 7.5.


Provide shipboard facilities to house the joint task force while

afloat at BIKINI during those shots requiring pre-shot evacuation of
personnel from the atoll. Provide for evacuation of materiel for

shot KOON,


Provide capability for emergency post-shot evacuation of person-

nel (for leas than 48 hours) in those instances where pre-shot evacua-

tion has not been conducted.

s, With facilities available, be prepared to provide alternate emergency communications channels for the joint task force.
t. Provide for radiological safety of embarked task force personnel
during periods the joint task force is afloat.


Provide facilities and aerological personnel aboard the AGC for


When directed before each shot, patrol the significant sector out

the joint task force weather central and communications security
monitoring personnel.

to 600 miles to detect any surface shipping.

w. Be prepared to assist in conducting sample return operations by
ferrying samples from BIKINI to ENIWETOK as required.





Select target paragraph3